The comprehensive guide to understanding China Diploma documents

China is a country known for its high standard of education and has become a preferred destination for international students. However, when it comes to verifying academic qualifications, understanding China diploma documents can be challenging. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to help individuals navigate the complexities of China’s diploma documents.

Types of China diploma documents

There are two main types of China diploma documents, namely the graduation certificate and the degree certificate. 💡
The graduation certificate confirms that the student has completed their program of study, while the degree certificate confirms the level of qualification obtained.

The graduation certificate contains essential information such as the student’s name, program of study, graduation date, and the institution’s name. On the other hand, the degree certificate provides more detailed information such as the student’s academic performance, degree classification, and the degree awarding institution.


Verification of China diploma documents

Verification of China diploma documents is crucial when applying for jobs, further education, or immigration to other countries. The process of verification involves confirming that the documents presented are authentic and have not been tampered with.

The verification process can be done through various channels, including the China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center (CHESICC), the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC), and the relevant Chinese embassy or consulate. ✔️

The CHESICC and CDGDC are the two primary verification bodies recognized by most international institutions and organizations. These organizations provide verification reports that confirm the authenticity of the diploma documents and include detailed information on the student’s academic performance and degree classification.


Translation of China diploma documents

When presenting China diploma documents to institutions or organizations that require them to be in a language other than Chinese, they must be translated by a professional translator. The translated documents must be certified by the translator or an official translation agency to confirm their authenticity.

It is essential to note that some countries or institutions may require the translations to be notarized or legalized by the relevant authorities. Therefore, it is crucial to check the requirements before submitting the documents.

here’s an example: China Diploma documents



Understanding China diploma documents is essential for anyone seeking to verify academic qualifications obtained from China. It is crucial to follow the correct verification process and ensure that the documents are translated correctly and certified by a professional translator or an official translation agency. By following these guidelines, individuals can ensure that their China diploma documents are accepted and recognized by institutions and organizations worldwide.